It’s best you believe that fitness is also a part of your grooming regime

Grooming for men has turned into a multi-million dollar industry and there is hardly any cosmetic product or procedure out there that does not cater to men or does not want to reel in male customer. Grooming was for long thought to be a female bastion and on the rare occasion that a male cosmetic product came out, the brand would have to sit in the trenches. The worst part was that men would have to hide their usage saying they are blessed with naturally good shiny hair, glowing flawless skin and no body hair, the web of lies was basically continental in proportions. In sharp contrast females would show off the best cosmetic products that they possessed and which liner or mascara they used was a party discussion add to this the bling factor and females could have an in-exhaustible repertoire of topics sprinkled with their favored products and designers. The male genome was basically relegated to look like a tree in the park beautiful yet neglected, pruned when required. By the ea...