Health is Wealth and Mental Health is the El Dorado

In India depression was seen as a western ‘Disease’ and a
rich man’s problem, however in early 2004 alarm bells sounded ringing when
studies found that almost 4 per cent of the population was suffering from
depression and by 2016 almost 42 percent corporate employees were suffering
from mental health issues and depression, infact one survey even went on to
claim that almost 80 per cent bank employees on or above the age of 40 had
suffered a heart attack as a result of stress.
For a country where the government estimates that 1 in 5
people in the country need counseling either psychiatric or psychological,
India is alarmingly short on mental health doctors like psychiatrists and
psychologists. Almost half of the people who suffer from mental health diseases
don’t even seek treatment as most are not aware of the issue and since mental
health is still called being “Crazy” many people shy away from seeking therapy
due to the social stigma associated with it “What? You don’t need to see a
shrink... you aren’t crazy’… if only people would have realized otherwise.
Many people are not
aware that they are going through depression and often develop anger and stress
issues which often come out or rather burst out in various ways. Traffic short
fuses and road rage incidents are the most coming occurrences in India and many
people have lost their lives on the slightest of vehicular touches. Angry
office outbursts are a common place in India and 1 in 2 people have been at the
receiving end of a colleagues or boss’s outburst without probable provocation
or incident. Domestic violence is also a result of repressed anger and
depression which a person unassumingly lets out every now and then with drastic
consequences. According to mental health workers repressed sadness accumulated
over a period of time becomes chronic depression and repressed anger
accumulated over a period of time becomes uncontrollable Rage. In layman terms
you become a pressure cooker without a steam vent which either cries at the
drop of a hat or bursts out all guns blazing.
The sum of all this is was a very bleak futures it was only
when famous celebs, comedians and musicians alike came out in the open about
their battle with Mental health issues that people started to take notice.
Deepika Padukone, Tanmay Bhatt, the legendary Dilip Kumar, Ranveer Singh have
all admitted to having battled mental health issues and how it is as important
as physical health, it is the basis of one’s well being and it is high time
India rose up and recognized the challenge that mental health poses to the
Many people who suffer from mental health issues often
cannot say NO and end up assisting and helping others, ignoring their well
being and thus end up frustrated and they find themselves lonely at a time when
they need company the most.
Most Doctors agree that exercise can help beat depression or
even the onset of it and exercising with friends who share your feelings and
care for each other also helps people who are going through depression recover
faster. Exercise helps release dopamine that relaxes the nerves and the brain
and promotes a sense of calm and well being which is of the utmost importance
for people going through any kind of mental trauma. Doctors however warn that
overdoing exercise while going through a mental health condition can worsen it
and one should listen to the body to prevent any further aggravation of the
Laughter is the best medicine and doctors agree that having
a jovial nature makes one have a positive outlook. Doctors recommend that
watching comedy movies and shows or even attending laughter shows and stand up
comedies does have a positive effect on ones mental health. It is also
recommended that one join a laughter club and stay around people who have a
humorous nature. The best recommendation is to be around people who listen to
you as one might find letting out things therapeutic , talking out your issues
is the best to lighten the heart and mind and goes a long way in healing
If you do choose to exercise to beat the blues it is
recommended that you choose a place close to your house as long distances act
as a detriment towards motivation for exercise. If you are in heavy exercise
please ensure that the Olympic Weight Lifting Barbell is of
good quality. Also you should have an exercise partner or support group that
pushes you to be a better version of yourself and helps you out emotionally as
the first few days could see you facing resistance from your mind. The mind
plays tricks during mental health issues and one has to ensure that they stay
around folks even though the mind would want them to be a recluse, isolation
does lead to depression and this has been established to be one of the main
reasons for mental health issues through research.
One should also choose a place where they find the
environment safe and comfortable. You should also gel with the coach lest you
find yourself frustrated with the whole scenario. You should also make sure
that the Fixed Barbells are not rusted and your gym is clean and follows
hygiene standards. Unclean environments promote negative thoughts of disease
and can make you swear off exercising even before you have begun. It is best
that you ask for a few days of trial to acclimatize yourself with the
surroundings and sounds of the body temple.
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