It’s best you believe that fitness is also a part of your grooming regime

Grooming for men has turned into a multi-million dollar industry and there is hardly any cosmetic product or procedure out there that does not cater to men or does not want to reel in male customer. Grooming was for long thought to be a female bastion and on the rare occasion that a male cosmetic product came out, the brand would have to sit in the trenches. The worst part was that men would have to hide their usage saying they are blessed with naturally good shiny hair, glowing flawless skin and no body hair, the web of lies was basically continental in proportions. In sharp contrast females would show off the best cosmetic products that they possessed and which liner or mascara they used was a party discussion add to this the bling factor and females could have an in-exhaustible repertoire of topics sprinkled with their favored products and designers. The male genome was basically relegated to look like a tree in the park beautiful yet neglected, pruned when required.

By the early 2000’s the male grooming industry was making some headway, many cosmetic and beauty products were being designed keeping the male skin in mind. Hair products to special razors, male hair wax kits to face products and hair trimmers all were being designed keeping men in mind. Even clothing companies were now trying to make the married worried working homely man look like Richard Gere. Gel, moose, wax, tweezers, razors, hair removal creams and wax, skin whitening treatments everything was being thrown towards the male chromosome and it was all being lapped up with crazy frenzy.

The new hero on screen now had highlights, abs, lacs, and glistening tender skin. He could wear pink and had shades instead of glasses, he had Italian cut suits, officer shoes and a whole new wardrobe for weekends and outdoors and the piece’ de resistance’ was his Friday dressing. There was a new name for this suited man it was: metrosexual and no one had a problem with it, this actually became a trend which has not died out. You can now find the male fraternity at spas, going for pedicures and manicures, getting facials and beard trims, hell you can even see them getting their eyebrows trimmed. Ofcourse one could argue that you now have more than just cosmetic procedures especially things like hair transplants and cosmetic recorrections which cost a bomb. But hey! There aint no price on beauty and when it’s handsome you are aiming for the world roots for you.

When all this was going there was a glaring notification that some men and women were aiming for just the grooming part of being presentable while completely ignoring the fitness agenda. Instead of going for sunlight they were now going for fake tans this resulted in a great drop in body vitamins and the world is now going through a vitamin deficiency epidemics. Instead of losing weight they were now going for tummy tucks and lipo sessions which resulted in a diabetic outbreak. These and many more instances have now led doctors to ask marketing companies to inform the population that although grooming is necessary fitness is as important and one should consider fitness and health a part of grooming.

Though the message that: fitness as part of your grooming and looking good regime is hitting home, it is still being looked at callously.

Many people still avoid working out and instead go for cosmetic procedures which cost a bomb and can easily be avoided if one were to concentrate on going to a gym or simple workout as a routine. Many free hand and easy to be done in the park exercises don’t cost much at all especially yoga and hand and leg exercises like push-ups and crunches. Even regular long walks or brisk walking can have a multitude of benefits on health but people seem to somehow avoid exercising leading to lifestyle diseases like blood pressure, stress, chronic acidity and the most dreaded health issue of them all is the one related to mental health. Depression, bipolar disorder, heat-stress, chronic stress are all results of a sedentary lifestyle coupled with bad and irregular eating habits that finally result in the mind suffering and the body crying out. The production of endorphins during workouts also helps create a feel good factor in the body.

The other problem that has slowly crept up as a result of lifestyle diseases is low population growth in countries as diseases affect other bodily functions too. A domino effect of high blood pressure, diabetes, stress has caused a low population growth thus. Chronic insomnia has now also been linked to lack of physical activity.

The first step that one should take to get themselves onto the fitness bandwagon is to enroll in a fitness program; this can be a gym, a dance class, aerobics, and zumba, yoga in its various modern forms or even jogging. When enrolling in any fitness zone one should ensure that the Gym Flooring is safe and clean, cleanliness is generally linked to hygiene and an unclean gym leads to problems of hygiene leading to another plethora of diseases. Always carry a towel with you and wipe down after you use any machine, a towel is a good thing to carry around for any kind of workout as people do tend to be sweaty and exchange of sweat can also lead to transmittable diseases like common cold.

Gym Flooring Rubber Tiles are the safest gym flooring that one can come across and one should always ensure that it is installed in their workout zone even if it is a domestic environment. It is also advisable to check that the flooring is regularly cleaned with a moist mop to stop moulds and insects from gnawing at the flooring. Fitness is not just a bodily matter it is a frame of mind and commitment.


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