Fitness Freaks are going nuts over NUTS and there’s no stopping them

Nuts are at the moment the most recommended health supplement; from doctors to fitness coaches and even nutritional articles everyone seems to be advocating them with gusto. Nuts were once just a snack lying about in the top drawers or brought out when drinks were to be had and there was no money for snacks. Over the past two years however there seems to have been an outbreak of advocacy for nuts, you cannot help but come across an article that will wax eloquent about advantages of nuts. If it is a sponsored article then you might be explained the advantages of one particular NUT over the others, whatever the scenario you could probably get irritated by the amount of nuts being thrust into your head but you can be sure the advocacy is digging its heels for the long haul. Nuts are full of good cholesterol, healthy fat, fiber and protein. Some nuts are great antioxidants and some are rich in minerals and vitamins. There are nuts that actually contain anti inflammatory omega-3s...