How to Improve Floor Safety

When you mention Floor Safety most people are generally clueless as to what u mean. Flooring to create a safe environment is a relatively new concept in India and was mostly driven home by bands of NRI’s who had seen the world and were now aware of the shortcomings in the flooring concepts in our countries. The new ideas and advancement in technology spawned a whole new industry built around safety flooring; you now had consultants and designers offering gender, area and usage specific services for safety flooring. Industries manufacturing to requirement were set-up as importing flooring came at a huge cost and money most of the times wins over concern, what can u do? Such is the world we live in. The new system of industries created a plethora of jobs thereby easing the unemployment problem, but this again gave rise to a generation that was young had money and now wanted to enjoy the good things in life. This meant that they too joined fitness studios, rock climbing cen...